I would like to build something for you

Read about it!
We design and develop digital products
Digital Branding

We help you find the precise message to clearly speak to who you are as a company.

Web Interactive

We channel the power of emerging media technologies providing new ways of displaying content.

Graphic Design

Combine our out of the box creative ideas with solid marketing principles building a strong brand.

Back in the day...

EPIC charts the history of the Internet, the evolving mediascape and the way news and newspapers were affected by the growth in online news.   It coined the word "Googlezon" from a future merger of Google and Amazon to form the Google grid, and speaks of news wars with the Times becoming a print only paper for the elite culminating in EPIC Evolving Personalised Information Construct.


We are idea-driven, working with a strong focus on design and the user experience.
Our goal is to create wonderful digital things that people love to be part of and use.

Web development

We provide front-end and back-end programing solutions for all of your business needs.

Responsive Web Design

Web pages scale proportionaly to the viewer's display size on all mobile and high resolution retina screens.

Web Advertising

We create interactive ads to help reach a targeted audience using designs that helps users connect with your brand.

Database Development

Content Management Systems assist in maintaining and managing website content, blogs and e-commerce.

Website Maintenance

We provide assistance with web site updates, repairs and additions.

Search Engine Optimization

We use best practice in design to make web pages load fast, and optimized for search engines to find.

E-Commerce intergration

Enable your customers to access your shopping portal from anywhere in the world through their mobile or desktop devices.

Video Services

Video editing and video encoding for optimum playback across all screens and platforms.

Flash to HTML5 Conversion

Convert your existing Flash site into a modern responsive HTML5 website.

Multimedia Galleries

We create multimedia photo/video galleries that are very useful on portfolio websites.   View Example

Digital Press Kit

We create multimedia digital press kits for events and films.

Web Animations

We create graphic animations for websites and digital presentations.

Fact check. Fact check.

Engaging and Idea-driven with focus on design and the user experience.

Our Process


Discovery & Goals

We identify the goals for the website and target a stategy for development.


The Framework

Developing the web structure, the user interface and page branding for the website.


Design & Build

Layout the designs and program the website components in digital space.


Online Testing & SEO

Improvements based on user feedback and optimizing for search engines.